Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns

Intensive and reflexive pronouns are formed by adding the ending self or selves to other personal pronouns. Examples include myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, and themselves.

Hisself and theirselves are not acceptable pronoun forms in written or spoken English.

When used as intensive pronouns, words ending in self or selves restate and thus intensify the meaning of another pronoun.

I myself will never accept those conditions.

When used as reflexive pronouns, they refer to a previously stated noun or pronoun.

I am going to the party by myself.

Reflexive and intensive pronouns should not be used in place of a personal pronoun as the subject of a sentence or as the object of a verb or a preposition.

Incorrect: Herself will be traveling with Hank and myself.
Correct: She will be traveling with Hank and me.