A noun is a word or phrase that represents a thing, a place, a person, or an idea. Nouns are primarily used as subjects of sentences and objects of verbs and prepositions. They are often, but not always, preceded by a, an, or the. The form of a noun may change to reflect its case (nominative, objective, or possessive) or number (singular or plural).
Nouns are classified as either common or proper. Common nouns refer to any one of a class of items. Proper nouns refer to a particular thing, place, or person and are generally capitalized.
Common nouns: organization, street, mother
Proper nouns: Democratic Party, Rocky Mountains, Aunt Jenny
Proper nouns: Democratic Party, Rocky Mountains, Aunt Jenny
Nouns may also be classed as concrete or abstract. Concrete nouns describe tangibles, such as objects and people. Abstract nouns refer to things that cannot be touched, such as ideas and qualities.
Concrete nouns: computer, butcher, Mississippi River
Abstract nouns: honor, crystallization, happiness
Abstract nouns: honor, crystallization, happiness
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